Thursday, September 15, 2011

Even I Can Do It!

Ex. 17:12 But Moses' hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.

Exodus has been such a blessing to me the past few days. It's as though the Lord is speaking directly to me through His Word. Oh wait! He is! Isn't that wonderful? I hope you are enjoying your time in His Word each day, also.

Today, I was reminded that no one can (or should) make it through life alone. We all need each other. I was driving home from the store the other day, thinking and listening to my favorite hymns CD. I was worrying about going to Chicago in a few weeks to speak at my first ladies meeting. How can I go up there and say anything worthwhile? What do I know? I suppose I could speak on "How to Get that Foot in Your Mouth...All of It!" or "How to Apologize after Saying and/or Doing Something Really Stupid." What if people think I'm just a know-it-all, or just a kid, or both? That won't help anyone. Then, I had this thought, and I believe it was from the Holy Spirit: Why don't you just go up there and try to be an encouragement? Isn't that what you need now and then? You don't need someone to walk up to you and preach to you, you just need someone to have some compassion, some love, some understanding. Why don't you just go up there and be a friend?

I realized that that's right. I just need to be a friend, a smiling face, a listening ear. No one expects anything great from me, but we all expect something great from God, and He can do great things! It's true. I'm a "nobody" in the ladies-conference-speaking world. My last name isn't Hyles or Hutson or Rice. (Famous Baptist preachers who are now in Heaven.) I'm just me. In our verse today, we see two men came along and held up Moses' hands during a battle between Israel and Amalek. When Moses' hands were up, Israel prevailed, when they were down, they didn't. These two men, Aaron and Hur, were not holding up Moses' hands because they were extra talented, or because everyone got together and voted on who was the best hand-holder-upper. They simply saw a need, and ran to meet it. We can all do that in some area of the Christian life.

Last week, I received a "surprise box" from a friend and a lovely homemade card with encouraging words written inside. I needed that encouragement so much! I needed to have my "hands held up" at just that time. We all do, and we all can. I'm not as thoughtful as I should be, I get caught up in my life, my problems. I need to do better. And by God's grace, I will.

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