About This Blog

Hello and thanks so much for dropping in! I wanted to tell you a bit about this site. On August 8, 2011, I was reading my Bible, like I always do, and the Lord really blessed me in my reading. He came down and sat next to me, and we had a sweet time of fellowship. (I'm not crazy, He didn't literally come down from Heaven, but it felt that way to my aching heart.) I was so burdened that my prayer time was mostly telling the Lord about what a failure I was. I have a reading schedule that I follow, well, it's my own pattern. As I opened up my Bible to begin reading, I had to pass through Psalms. My eyes fell upon the following verses:                     .

 Psalm 73: 22-26: So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee.

 23 Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand

 24 Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.
 25 Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.
 26 My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.

I pondered these verses. The Lord was reminding me that while yes, I was a failure because I'm a sinner, he is "continually with me" anyway. He loves me! I wanted to share how the Lord blessed me with someone.  I thought, "Wouldn't it be fun to share devotional blessings with some friends over coffee, without having to rearrange my schedule?" The Internet is perfect! No one has to dress up, get out, drive somewhere and spend time away from home. Why not use technology for something of eternal value? So, this idea was born.

What this Blog is:

  • This is my way of keeping myself accountable for my daily devotions. I don't usually miss my time with the Lord, but how much more will it help me to know that I must "report" to my friends by sharing what I've read? I think it can only help me. If you would like to do the same, you may e-mail me what you've read each day as well. Just check out my "contact page" to reach me.
  • Comments are welcome and appreciated, but not necessary. I will do my best to reply to each one. Please understand that my response time may be a bit slow, but I will reply.
  • Some days, my post may be short and to the point. Other days, it may be longer. 

What this Blog is Not:

  • This is not a debate forum. There are plenty of theological discussion boards and forums online. This is just a place to be encouraged.
  • This is not my personal pulpit. I'm not a preacher and never plan on becoming one. 

 A few more specifics:
Each day, I record my devotional time in my journal. I write the date, and then the word "Read" I jot down whatever passages I've read that day and then beneath that, I write down a verse or verses that were a blessing. Sometimes, I even write things like, "I feel so terrible today!! I ate two helpings of dessert!" or whatever it is that is weighing on my mind. I never write down names of folks who have hurt me or specifics, because someday, I'll go to heaven and I don't want my children to know everything little thing that happened to me.  :) I try to pray before I read, that way I can leave all of my burdens at the feet of the Lord and end with praising Him. I also ask Him to speak to me through His Word. He usually does, in some way or another. 

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